'00 Peninsula Catholic Meet

'00 Peninsula Catholic Meet


Newport News Park 5K Course

Newport News, VA

Saturday,August 26 -- The Peninusla Catholic meet was a small meet between runners from Jamestown, Penisula Catholic, Woodside, Denbigh, and Menchville. The Jamestown squad looked strong, for the first 2 miles they had 4 runners in the top 5. They ended up with 3 in the top 5, with Bryce Ruiz winning the race easily in 16:26. Then with sophomore Brandon Miles 4rd overall in 17:06 and junior Tony Davilla 5th overall in 17:17. Also a strong showing by Jeff Magner who finished 6th in 17:40.

Top Boys Individuals

(1)Bryce Ruiz (Jamestown Jr.) 16:26

(2)Curtis Parker (Woodside Sr.) 17:00

(3)Jimmy Highsmith (Menchville Sr.) 17:04

(4)Brandon Miles (Jamestown So.) 17:06

(5)Tony Davilla (Jamestown Jr.) 17:17

(6)Jeff Magner (Jamestown Sr.) 17:40

Ricky Rehkopf (Jamestown So.) 18:30

Phillip Cooke (Jamestown Jr.) 18:50

Wyatt Beyer (Jamestown Jr.) 18:56

Joey Trinidad (Jamestown So.) 19:04

Brian Phipps (Jamestown Sr.) 19:30

#2-5 Runners Pack Time


Team Average
